Wednesday, August 29, 2012

More pictures

Also want to post more pictures of dresses that I've made for Katelynn, these were mainly made in the Spring 2012.  May you enjoy.

 Another fun summery dress I made for Katelynn.
 This dress was one I made as a baby shower gift, the new Mom was thrilled.

I made this dress actually to sell in my Etsy shop, but it didn't, so I've been putting it on Katelynn recently for a church dress.  Lol, have been getting plenty of compliments on it there.

This fun little sundress i made for Katelynn, mostly because I fell in love with the fabric, now it is more or a tunic rather than a dress.


Just realized that it's been a heap long time since i last posted anything on my blog, gee I'm sorry about that.  LOL, Actually my brother-in-law did comment a week or so ago that I've not put anything on here in months, but I think it took this long for it to sink in.


A slight catch-up is in order.  Of course, i have lots of pictures that I've taken but just not posted, for example, the skirts I tried to make in time for my ward's annual Spaghetti dinner (but then my machine died on me, wahhhh).  These cute little skirts are lined with white muslin, the lining doesn't have the ruffle though.    The orange skirt is size 4-5, the orange/turquoise striped one is 6-7 and the pink skirt is 8-10.

I made these skirts in May I think.  I'd also posted them on my Etsy shop, which I have put in vacation mode until I feel better. But more about that later.

Actually all my big news at once, because I'm feeling awee bit dizzy, and want to go lay down for a bit after I change K's bum.

In june I discovered I am pregnant with baby #5, we will keep baby#5's gender a secret, even from us.  I am only at 16 weeks so we haven't a clue yet either, but like with Katelynn, we don't plan to find out.  Baby #5 EDD is Valentine's Day 2013, I never get to my due dates, so baby will likely come early Feb. or late January -- I'd take his/her arrival on my Mom's birthday!

Also in June we bought a new-to-us, travel trailer.  WE bought it in Idaho Falls, ID, it's big,maybe bigger than we need but it's nice to fit in one spot when it starts raining while we are camping.

Kids are now back in school.  For a whole week now!  Last Wednesday, right after I'd dropped older boys off at school, I went to Walmart to acquire a few needed things.  Well,  I'd wandered all over that store, and got to the check-out stand, then without warning I fainted.  Store managers say that I had a seizure, but the ER doc we talked to at UBMC said it is likely that I was just shaking & jerking from having fainted -- until I know for sure what happened (and will likely never know because all my tests came back normal & no, no brain scan was done), I will maybe just say it was a seizure.  So my OB told me to go to bed & rest for at least a week to 10 days, well that time ends come Sunday morning.  I've tried to rest, but it's difficult.  You see....

Cole (boy #2) is getting baptized on this coming Saturday, September 1st and I kind of want my house looking cleaner than it is for that occasion.  Especially since my Daddy and maybe one of my brothers & his family will be coming this weekend.

Well, I will do what I can, and then hope they understand anyhow.

=)  Gayle